relationship problems helped by sex therapy

5 Relationship Problems You Didn’t Know Sex Therapy Could Help You With

5 Relationship Problems You Didn’t Know Sex Therapy Could Help You With

Many people think sex therapy is just about the act of sex. Yes, “sex therapy” has the word “sex” right in the name. And certainly, a sex therapist can help you fix problems directly related to intercourse, like lack of libido, physical problems due to injury or disability, inability to achieve orgasm, or troubles with intimacy due to past sexual abuse. But sex therapy can also help with a large spectrum of relationship problems, far beyond what most people think of as “just sex.”

Your nether-regions are hardly the only organ that contributes to sexual pleasure: they’re not even the most important when it comes to arousal, that responsibility belongs to the brain. So it makes sense that sex therapy would cover a wider range of relationship problems than only those that relate directly to your or your partner’s genitalia.

Are you considering seeing a therapist, but not sure if sex therapy is right for your relationship problems? Or perhaps you’ve never seriously thought about therapy because everything seems to be going just fine? You might be surprised what sex therapy can do for you.

While some people are reluctant to seek out sex therapy, the benefits could far outweigh any embarrassment or intimidation you might feel. Did you know studies estimate that fully 80 percent of couples will experience a relationship problem that requires assistance from a sex therapist?
Five relationship problems you didn’t know sex therapy could help with:

1. Poor Communication

Sex therapists deal as much, if not more, with communication skills as with issues concerning sexual functioning. Most of us are aware that good communication is key to a successful relationship, both in the bedroom and elsewhere. Communication can be hard enough when it relates to things like picking up the kids from school or deciding what color carpet to put in the guest bedroom, but when it comes to sex it can be even more challenging to speak your mind. If you’re feeling unsatisfied or want to try something new, a sex therapist can help you learn to ask for what you want without feeling guilty.

2. Self-defeating beliefs or “hang-ups”

Some people, especially women, experience relationship problems when it comes to oral sex, using toys, or being kinky. Women receive messages from a young age telling them “good girls don’t.” Sex therapy can help you overcome such self-defeating beliefs and be able to express yourself openly.

3. Loss of “the old spark”

It is easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life and not make time for intimacy and romance. Sex therapy can help you get that old spark back and learn to “actively invest in your sex life.”

4. Missed connections

Sometimes it is inevitable that you’ll be in the mood and your partner won’t be. At a time when he or she is feeling amorous, you’re just not up for it. Being turned down or having to turn down your partner is not fun and sex therapy can help you learn to deal gracefully with these situations.

5. It can help you fix relationship problems you didn’t know you had

Maybe you and your partner have a great sex life. Wonderful! But did you know you can benefit from sex therapy even if you don’t think you need it? A sex therapist knows a lot about emotional enhancement. He or she could help you find new activities to enjoy even if you never thought you were interested in experimentation. Just being able to talk about your sexual thoughts or fantasies with an open and impartial listener can be very beneficial.


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