How to Overcome Criticism and Defensiveness in Your Relationship: Communication Tips
How to Overcome Criticism and Defensiveness in Your Relationship: Communication Tips Criticism and defensiveness can send your relationship into one of the most common cycles of any relationship. Thi ...

Recognizing and Addressing Toxic Relationship Patterns
Recognizing and Addressing Toxic Relationship Patterns All relationships have their struggles and all long-term relationships are hard work. However, some relationships exist with an extremely high l ...

Rebuilding Trust: 5 Steps to Recover from Cheating in Relationships
Rebuilding Trust: 5 Steps to Recover from Cheating in Relationships Cheating is one of the hardest things a couple can endure. It comes with a sense of betrayal, hurt, and broken trust. The container ...

Revising Your Relationship’s History to Cope with Betrayal
Discovering a betrayal can lead to extreme ways of coping. Finding out that your partner has been keeping secrets, cheating, or having an affair can lead you to cope with anger, fear, anxiety, depress ...

Navigating New Realities: When Your Son Comes Out
Navigating New Realities: When Your Son Comes Out Although gay and lesbian folks continue to find more and more acceptance in our society, coming out can still be daunting. For a parent, it can be a ...

Improving Your Sleep to Help Your Relationship Connect on a Deeper Emotional Level
Improving Your Sleep to Help Your Relationship Connect on a Deeper Emotional Level The Importance of Effective Sleep Strategies for Couples When you scroll through social media, you've very likely c ...

Weight Loss, Health, Mood, and Sexuality
Weight Loss, Health, Mood and Sexuality Updated 10/31/23 People can embrace connective sex at any size. Our weight is often used as an indicator of general health. There are correlations between ex ...

Overcoming Avoidance to Heal Your Sexual Problems
Overcoming Avoidance to Heal Your Sexual ProblemsWhen medication fails to treat sexual problems, people often don't know where to turn. One of the biggest culprits that can prevent you from making cha ...

How Sex Addiction Can Affect Your Partner
How Sex Addiction Can Affect Your Partner Sex addiction can cause relationship, career, and personal issues. It is obvious that people who are dealing with out of control sexual behavior need to b ...

When Porn is a Compulsive Numbing Tool
When Porn is a Compulsive Numbing Tool If you read about compulsive porn use, there's a lot of information that takes the discussion about problematic porn use to the extremes: it's either always a p ...