Dallas Substance Abuse Counseling

Are you in a relationship that is struggling because of your alcohol or drug use?

Are you risking losing the things that are most important to you?

Are you tired of feeling this way?

Whether or not to seek substance abuse treatment can be a difficult decision to make. Deciding whether or not alcohol consumption is a problem can often be confusing at best. Some people also feel that their recovery from a substance is impossible and hopeless. This is obviously untrue. Whether others are telling you that you have a problem, or you think you have a problem, but you are unsure of where to turn, substance abuse treatment is a choice that you should highly consider.

Contact us today for help with the following:

  • Being accused by your partner of having a problem with alcohol or drugs.
  • Loneliness or isolation related to your use.
  • Alcohol use that leads to anger issues in your relationship.
  • Legal problems related to alcohol or drug use.
  • Problems with mixing methamphetamine use and sex.
  • Mixing a problem with gambling and alcohol.
  • Marijuana use that prevents you from feeling motivated.
  • Putting yourself at risk due to alcohol or drugs.

We can help you get your life on track and manage your use in a way that works. Regardless if you’re trying to stop using altogether, or you’re trying to moderate your use, we’ll help you in a way that is open and non-shaming. Together, we’ll look at the problems that you’re contending with, and uncover the underlying issues that have made alcohol or drugs and issue in your life.

If you are wondering whether or not you should seek help for a substance abuse problem, chances are that you probably can benefit from meet with a counselor. All too commonly people wait until they are in major trouble before they seek out a counselor. The investment prior to a crisis such as having a partner or spouse who is about to leave or a legal problem is much less than it is after. Yet people often wait until after there is a major external factor before they seek out help.

Contact Us Today

We respect the courage that it takes to stop using or abusing alcohol or drugs.</h3

Facing a problem with alcohol or drugs can be the most difficult challenge of your life. You don’t have to do this alone. If you feel as though you have a problem controlling your use of alcohol or drugs, or someone who you care about says that you have a problem, we can help. We’ll walk you through the early stages of recovery, relationship problems associated with your use, and the pain associated with your substance use up to this point.

Get a professional opinion from a therapist who understands and is specifically trained in substance abuse counseling.

Whether you know you have a problem or a friend or family member says that you have a problem, get a professional opinion on this. We understand that this step is intimidating. It can be scary to put yourself in a situation where you have to face something that is this difficult. It takes a lot of bravery to start today to make changes for your future. You do not have to wait until you lose everything to change. If alcohol is what you are most wondering about, together we would determine if your use is something that you can control and need to decrease or if you need to remain abstinent altogether. Either way we will work to develop plans for you to control your use or remain abstinent, whichever is determined to be the most appropriate.

Symptoms of PTSD can make it difficult to build solid relationships. It can also make it so you avoid situations that you once felt safe within. You might also be dealing with relationship issues, anger, problems in your sex life, and difficulties in social situations. These things are all common effects of trauma.

We recognize that stopping or managing the use of alcohol and drugs is only part of the story.

Maybe you know you have a problem with alcohol or drugs, but you are now dealing with the lingering emotional after effects of such use. We can help you understand the underlying reasons that you have used in the past and make sense of the feelings that you may not fully understand. This can help you move through the shame that you might have about your own personal use. It can also decrease the chances of you returning to alcohol and drugs in the future.

No matter if you are doing this for yourself, or to appease someone else like a spouse, partner, your attorney, or a judge, take the first difficult step and contact us so that we can determine if a course of action is necessary, and where you should begin on this journey. Call us today to set up a consultation to determine if treatment for alcohol or substance abuse would be beneficial to you.

We specialize in multiple addictions and trauma.

Sex addiction, porn addictions, and shopping and financial addictions are common in people who have a history of substance abuse. They often occur simultaneously. At Vantage Point, we have several therapists who have specialized training in trauma therapies such as EMDR, PIT, and Somatic Experiencing, as well as sex addictions and multiple addictions. Contact us today to learn more about how our therapists can help.

You should consider counseling for substance abuse if you have any of the following problems:

  • Period of abstinence followed by a relapse
  • Family and friends complaining about your alcohol or drug use
  • Lack of participation in past activities and hobbies
  • Relationship problems
  • High-risk behaviors after using
  • Legal problems related to alcohol or drug use
  • Keeping secrets about your drug or alcohol use from friends and family
  • Work attendance problems
  • Failed attempts to avoid use
  • Frequent blackouts
  • Cravings

If you are looking for a Dallas Substance Abuse Therapist, contact us now to see how we can help.

Our Substance Abuse Therapists Therapists

Dr. Michael J. Salas

A sex and trauma therapist who specializes in helping clients with authenticity and self-acceptance.

Alanna Preylo

Affirming therapist specializing in helping adolescents and adults who've been in and Out of Addiction Residential Treatment.

Zachary Ramsey

A specialist in addictions, betrayal trauma, and family of origin issues.

RJ Sauceda

Certified Sex Therapist in training who specializes in helping individuals and couples with managing out of control behaviors.

Heather Henry

Therapist who specializes in sexual trauma treatment, betrayal trauma therapy, gender care, affirming therapy, and women's sexual issues.

Contact Us Today to learn more about how we can help with Alcohol and Substance Abuse

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