When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed/Activated During an Argument
When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed/Activated During an Argument Personally, and professionally, I’ve noticed that seldomly do we find ourselves able to argue without our emotions getting the best of us. ...

Couples Therapy Styles that Work
Couples Therapy Styles that Work If you're in a relationship that is struggling, you want to find a treatment style that will work. Making a decision on a therapist can be very challenging. It is dif ...

What to Talk About Before Getting Married
What to Talk About Before Getting Married: Congratulations! You and your partner have made a huge step in your relationship, one that is exciting and uniting, and brings about new changes in your cur ...

How Can Couples Counseling Help?
How Can Couples Counseling Help? Couples therapy is a style of therapy where the therapist focuses on the relationship as the client. The goal is to help the couple find a way to stay together. Al ...

When is the Best Time to Choose Couples Counseling?
When is the Best Time to Choose Couples Counseling? In every relationship, you will come up upon rough patches where you fight, don’t communicate well, or even withdraw from one another. While these ...

What to do after the Affair
[two_third] What to do after the Affair [two_third] Cheating and Infidelity Recovery Cheating and infidelity commonly lead to relationship failure. This video is meant to be a balanced perspective ...

22 Psychotherapy Influences and Influential Books
22 Psychotherapy Influences and Influential Books We love our work. There are so many people who've influenced us and helped us become the therapists that we are. This list includes key figures and l ...

Overfunctioning and Realigning Yourself
Overfunctioning and Realigning Yourself Overfunctioning is a term that relates to the intensity and energy that we put into aspects of our lives, including work, our homes, relationships, and friends ...

Is It Possible to Recover After an Affair?
[two_third] Is It Possible to Recover After an Affair? The short answer is "yes". Many relationships work through and survive an affair. Many even learn how to thrive after it's over. However, in th ...

Why Is Sex So Difficult to Talk About?
Why Is Sex So Difficult to Talk About? I see it time and again in sex therapy . One of the biggest barriers to having a fulfilling sex life is being able to open up and talk about sex. This is some ...