I’ve Just Cheated on My Partner—Should I Tell?
I’ve Just Cheated on My Partner—Should I Tell? Cheating is a hurdle that is difficult to get over. Feelings of betrayal, resentment, and guilt can prove toxic to a once happy relationship. It is n ...

Avoiding Conflict: 5 Reasons Why It Doesn’t Save But Sabotage Relationships
Avoiding Conflict: 5 Reasons Why It Doesn’t Save But Sabotage Relationships We cherish our relationships during their “honeymoon” phase because they, typically, are all about discovering new things a ...

Having Trouble Accepting Yourself as Transgender or Non-Binary? – What You Can Do
Having Trouble Accepting Yourself as Transgender or Non-Binary? – What You Can Do Society has made great leaps and bounds towards accepting people who identify as transgender or non-binary. Yet, alth ...

Ways that Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Can Help Gay and Lesbian Couples
Ways that Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Can Help Gay and Lesbian Couples by Ian Hammonds When coming into therapy, many couples want to know how their couples therapy will be approached. ...

Identifying and Overcoming BS to Save Your Relationships
Identifying and Overcoming BS to Save Your Relationships It's almost impossible to avoid letting our current cultural and political climate seep into our relationships. Maybe we're wired to focus on ...

Unhealthy Habits: How to Recognize When They Prevent You From Being You
Unhealthy Habits: How to Recognize When They Prevent You From Being You Unhealthy habits come in a wide variety. Some habits, such as biting your nails, may not seem as detrimental as lying or an ...

Overcoming Betrayal and Entering Therapy
Overcoming Betrayal and Entering Therapy For so many partners of addicts , entering into therapy can seem so overwhelming. It feel like you're just trying to hold the fabric of your life, and maybe ...

Gay, Monogamous Relationships. A Sex Positive Perspective
Gay, Monogamous Relationships. A Sex Positive Perspective Our society generally props up monogamy as the gold standard of relationships. I'm not saying monogamous relationships can't work. But it's a ...