Treatment Takes Time… Staying with the Process
Treatment Takes Time... Staying with the Process Therapy can take time. It can be difficult to stay with the process. You are committing a lot when you engage in such deep work. You have to take time ...
Shame Reactivity versus Taking Responsibility
Shame Reactivity versus Taking Responsibility Shame and taking responsibility are not opposites. Whenever we have to take responsibility, we are going to be living with some element of shame. In fact ...
Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction… Learning to Relax
Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction... Learning to Relax When working with people who are dealing with erectile dysfunction, many of them believe that they easily relax. They report that they approach ...
Should You Share Your Desires for Kink with Your Partner?
Should You Share Your Desires for Kink with Your Partner? Most people have desire that goes beyond what they would actually engage in. Many also have desires that go beyond their relationship agreeme ...
Finding and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem When Transgender
Finding and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem When Transgender Finding authenticity can be a beautiful thing. It can open up a world of possibilities, including that connection that we all need. However, ...
Emotional Mindfulness can Lead to Healing
Emotional Mindfulness can Lead to Healing Our emotions can be bound in a way that can cause a lot of problems in our lives. Without release, these emotions can wreak havoc on your relationships and y ...
Staying with the Emotional Process… Where Less is More
Staying with the Emotional Process... Where Less is More When working through any problem, many people want to blaze through the issue that they are facing. This makes sense. When we're experiencing ...
Identities versus Authenticity
Identities versus Authenticity Many of us struggle to show who we are, without judging ourselves, or focusing on the judgments that others will have about us. Thus, we can build up identities of how ...
7 Lost Lessons of the Harvey Weinstein Controversy
7 Lost Lessons of the Harvey Weinstein Controversy As you probably have read, there are many opinions being shared in relation to Harvey Weinstein, and the allegations and controversy surrounding him ...
Titrating Experiences for Emotional Healing
Titrating Experiences for Emotional Healing In Somatic Experiencing , we use a term called "titration." In chemistry, if you mix too much of one chemical in with another at one time, the beaker cou ...