Managing Grief and Loss on Your Addiction Recovery Journey
When we think of grief, we tend to associate it with certain losses like someone we love dying or the end of a relationship. Grief is incredibly common in addiction recovery, but it's not something yo ...

Emotional Struggles Later in Recovery
Emotional Struggles Later in Recovery After the dust settles in recovery, and things began to become more stable, it seems like it would be natural to be in a place where life is flowing easier. Howe ...

What is Post Induction Therapy and How Can It Help?
What is Post Induction Therapy and How Can It Help? Post Induction Therapy is a type of trauma therapy that was created to help people with developmental traumas that comes from abuse and neglect. ...

Why Should You Watch Out for Multiple Addictions While in Recovery?
Why Should You Watch Out for Multiple Addictions While in Recovery? Recovering from addiction isn’t easy, and one of the biggest challenges facing recovering addicts is relapse. For people with mult ...