What to Do When You Waited Too Long to See a Therapist
What to Do When You Waited Too Long to See a Therapist Unfortunately, it's common for people to wait "too long" to take that step of seeking out a therapist. I see this most often with people who are ...

Traumatic Shame in Living with HIV
Traumatic Shame in Living with HIV Over the past 2 decades, there have been tremendous advancements in the treatment of HIV. Despite this, there is still a lot of shame that people live with when the ...

Is Your Relationship in Trouble? – 7 Signs It’s Time to Seek a Marriage Therapist
Is Your Relationship in Trouble? – 7 Signs It’s Time to Seek a Marriage Therapist For better or worse. Through sickness and health. The vows you make to your spouse look differently in the everyda ...

Sexual Healing: What Are the Secrets to Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction?
Sexual Healing: What Are the Secrets to Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be an embarrassing condition that proves detrimental to a man’s self-confidence. Even though ...

Treatment Takes Time… Staying with the Process
Treatment Takes Time... Staying with the Process Therapy can take time. It can be difficult to stay with the process. You are committing a lot when you engage in such deep work. You have to take time ...

Shame Reactivity versus Taking Responsibility
Shame Reactivity versus Taking Responsibility Shame and taking responsibility are not opposites. Whenever we have to take responsibility, we are going to be living with some element of shame. In fact ...

Sex Addiction Groups: How Do They Help With Recovery?
Sex Addiction Groups: How Do They Help With Recovery? Sex addiction is notably isolating for those that suffer from it. This is exactly the reason that we offer groups to help with sex and pornogr ...