Contending with Porn Addiction
Contending with Porn Addiction Last year was a remarkably controversial and loaded year as we talk about porn addiction. The topic of porn addiction is already a loaded and heated topic. Extreme opin ...
The Messiness of Mistakes
The Messiness of Mistakes Mistakes... we all make them right? They're only human right? So then why are they so difficult for us to deal with. Whether it's us beating ourselves up for making them o ...
Why Is Sex So Difficult to Talk About?
Why Is Sex So Difficult to Talk About? I see it time and again in sex therapy . One of the biggest barriers to having a fulfilling sex life is being able to open up and talk about sex. This is some ...
Betrayal and Trauma and Getting Vulnerable Again
Betrayal and Trauma and Getting Vulnerable Again A natural response to trauma is focusing on keeping yourself safe. Identifying safety is a natural part of the healing process. However, one of the mo ...
Keys to Coping with Hate Crimes and Trauma
Keys to Coping with Hate Crimes and Trauma We have seen so many different violent crimes over the courses of our lifetimes, but especially in the past year. It can be so difficult to know how to cope ...
Wanting a Better Sex Life? Get Out of Your Head
Wanting a Better Sex Life? Get Out of Your Head When you're wanting to make a change, it makes sense that you would want to think in order to make a plan that will supposedly make a change. But what ...
What is Sex Therapy?
What is Sex Therapy? Sex therapy can be surprisingly confusing to people. Why exactly would people seek the help of mental health professionals for help with their sexual problems? Many of the sex ...
Practicing Self Kindness during Chaotic Times
Practicing Self Kindness during Chaotic Times In our therapy practice , we are seeing clients who are struggling with the current state of things. There has been a lot to manage in the past year. A ...
Porn Addiction and the Pandemic
Porn Addiction and the Pandemic Porn addiction is one of the most controversial topics in our field. Like other sex addictions, professionals argue whether it exists or not. It's such a controversial ...
7 Tips for Dealing with the Holidays During the Pandemic
7 Tips for Dealing with the Holidays During the Pandemic There's no doubt about it. The COVID-19 pandemic has really been a challenge to deal with. Although there is a vaccine on the horizon, most of ...