The Myth of Good Sex vs. Bad Sex
The Myth of Good Sex vs. Bad Sex I know that some of the sex that you have is good and other sex you could just leave behind. That's not what I'm talking about in this particular post. The myth that ...
Premature Ejaculation and Slowing Down
Premature Ejaculation and Slowing Down Early ejaculation can be extremely distressing for men, and it can be also very frustrating for partners of people who have this as well. However, I have notice ...
Spending a Holiday Alone
Spending a Holiday Alone The holidays are portrayed as a time for family, joy, fun, and celebration. However, not everyone can spend time with their families for various reasons. Some can't financial ...
Passive Aggressiveness and Belligerence… The Dangerous Pair
Passive Aggressiveness and Belligerence... The Dangerous Pair Several years back, I wrote an article on passive aggressive behavior , and thought it was about time to readdress this from a differen ...
#wontbeerased, Grieve, Advocate, Take Care of Yourselves
#wontbeerased, Grieve, Advocate, Take Care of Yourselves I want to first say that I identify as a cisgender male. I'm writing advice that I hope will help, but I recognize my privilege while I'm writ ...
The Hidden Harm of Covert Sexual Abuse
The Hidden Harm of Covert Sexual Abuse Whether it's in trauma therapy or sex addiction recovery , one of the most common things that is in our clients' backgrounds is sexual abuse. When we think ...
Does Erectile Dysfunction Mean He is Not Into You?
Does Erectile Dysfunction Mean He is Not Into You? Is it a sexual dysfunction or does it mean he's not attracted to you? This is one of the most common questions I get and misconceptions about erect ...
Self-Care and the #MeToo MovementĀ
Self-Care and the #MeToo Movement A few weeks ago, I watched a powerful documentary calledĀ What Haunts Us . In this documentary, the filmmaker investigates a series of suicides that are related to ...
Body Shame and Sexual Dysfunction
Body Shame and Sexual Dysfunction Many of us have experienced body shame at some point in our lives. We can think we're not fit enough, thin enough, big enough, etc. Can these insecurities lead to se ...
What do Emotions Have to do with Sexual Dysfunction?
What do Emotions Have to do with Sexual Dysfunction? If you watch TV for any length of time, you'll see a commercial for common sexual dysfunctions. You'll see clinics who advertise the use of hormon ...