Premature Ejaculation and Slowing Down

Premature Ejaculation and Slowing Down

Early ejaculation can be extremely distressing for men, and it can be also very frustrating for partners of people who have this as well. However, I have noticed a common trend in my clients who are dealing with this problem. Several men who are dealing with premature ejaculation also struggle with slowing down in all areas of their lives.

Not sure how this relates? Hang with me here.

Many of the men who are dealing with premature ejaculation also struggle with living in high intensity, fast paced, and unrelenting lives. When we struggle with slowing down, our stress levels increase. Some of us even struggle with anxiety that comes with the added pressure of racing through daily life and overcommitting. Stress and anxiety are one possible root cause of premature ejaculation. Obviously there are other possible causes for this as well, but stress and anxiety are influences that regularly lead to an increased risk of premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation can seem like it’s a purely physiological problem. But it’s not. It can be a frustrating problem because there are few medications that have been shown to help with it. Other people try to physically halt their ejaculatory response. Yet the problems often continue to persist. Others try masturbation techniques only to have the same results.

If you’re struggling with ongoing premature ejaculation symptoms, you might want to look at your pace of living. Do you struggle with slowing down? Do you struggle with boundaries and saying “no”? Do you try to meet the expectations around you? Finally, do you struggle with staying in the moment? These things might be a part of why you are struggling with this problem.

What exactly is slowing down?

  1. Enjoying the journey and easing up on the pressure to reach the goal.
  2. Settling in to rest and relaxation.
  3. Letting go of perfectionism.
  4. Rediscover fun.

When it comes to sexual dysfunctions, it’s often important to deal with other arenas in your life. It makes sense to attack the sexual dysfunction head on, yet if you’re a high intensity person who struggles to slow down, that very same attacking mentality may make your problem worse.

On the other hand, if you slow down and step into the present, you’re likely to improve. These things will help you in all areas of your life, including in sex. You’ll be able to enjoy the moment. You’ll appreciate the whole sexual experience that goes beyond whether or not you ejaculate. Oddly, your ejaculation times will likely improve as well.



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