Jeana Owens, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Maybe you are going through the worst time in your life, or maybe it happened a long time ago but you still can’t seem to move forward.

Maybe you feel tired, sad, hopeless, angry–maybe you can’t seem to feel anything at all.

Maybe you feel everyone is playing by a set of rules that you never got, or like the solutions that work for everyone else just never seem to work for you. Maybe you feel like you fit in great as long as you remember to wear your mask, but wearing that mask makes you feel tired and lonely. Do you ever suspect that you might just be broken beyond repair? You’re not. I can help.

Maybe you’re in a transition or liminal space, and the uncertainty is getting to you.

Maybe you’re not going through a crisis, but you just want to focus on stability and personal growth.
Maybe you just feel stuck, uncertain about what happens next.

I specialize in anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma, with a special interest in religious trauma, neurodiversity, and LGBTQ+ matters. I relate to people who feel like they never quite fit in. Together we can work on finding a way forward, whether that means working through the grief, going back to heal the old wounds, or just figuring out who you really are and how you can live your most authentic life.

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I view autism and other forms of neurodiversity from a non-pathological perspective. I don’t see neurodiversity as an illness to be cured; I see it as a unique and much needed way of looking at the world. I enjoy helping neurodivergent individuals make their way in a world that does not always recognize their strengths. I also enjoy helping people to see how neurodiversity makes us all stronger by training groups on how to attract and support neurodivergent people—and why it is in their best interest to do so.

With my social work background, I approach therapy from a “person in system” perspective, recognizing that not all problems have ready solutions, and sometimes solutions come in nonconventional forms that you might not expect. I can help you comb through the details, solve what you can, and learn to cope with what you cannot solve.

Through my experience working in hospice I learned to appreciate the grief process. It’s a topic most people avoid talking about but an experience we will all have to go through at some point, and I have found that most people benefit from learning more about grief and what tools they can use to work through it. I do education on grief for individuals or groups, and I work with individuals to figure out an approach to their specific loss that can make the process a little easier, a little less painful, and a little less scary.

Do you ever feel like there are different parts of you that seem to be at war with one another? Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an approach to therapy where together we can look at each part, the trauma or motivation behind that part, and find a way for those parts of you to work together as a team, rather than fighting against each other. IFS recognizes that there are no bad parts, only wounded parts. By learning to approach those parts with curiosity rather than contempt, we can begin to heal.

Licenses and Education:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Masters Degree in Social Work
  • EMDR trained
  • IFS (Internal Family Systems) trained
  • DBT trained
  • Autplay trained