Porn Addiction Information

With the rise in popularity of the internet, behavioral addictions have become even more common. Whether it be computer games, online gambling, cybersex, or pornography, it can be difficult to understand what is going on in an individual’s body, mind, and heart.

Watching pornography, meeting up with other individuals online, and spending time playing video games doesn’t automatically mean that someone has an addiction that is causing distress in their lives. A pornography addiction has the same definition as alcoholism or drug addiction: multiple attempts to stop, experiencing withdrawals when you’re not using it, marked distress in your interpersonal and relational life, an interference with daily responsibilities, and some kind of sexual dysfunction.

While the “cause” of a pornography addiction is highly debated, it can begin as any other typical addiction. Watching pornography, or browsing sites to find the perfect video, activates the reward system in our brains. It also triggers one of our most primal drives – sex. What makes porn addiction so easy to occur is this activation. Oftentimes, porn fills the same role that intimacy and relationships play in our lives. Additionally, those who come from families where addiction is prevalent, or where families are likely to be disengaged and dismissive emotionally, are at a higher predisposition to a pornography addiction. Lastly, the accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of pornography can cause an escalation in porn usage.

If you relate to any part of this blog post, there is freedom and healing from a pornography addiction. The work begins with some kind of external or behavioral management. This would include identifying possible triggers! There may be some feelings, environments, people, or memories that you encounter, and porn addiction was your primary coping skill. That is okay and nothing to be ashamed of. In this process, it’s important to recognize when you feel triggered, and identifying a different coping skill or activity that provides peace and comfort. Additionally, abstinence from pornography is a must. It’s okay to grieve the role that porn played in your life. Having some kind of social support is imperative, and so is having boundaries on your devices to help maintain your sobriety.

The way that our society talks about pornography and those who watch it brings an incredible amount of shame and guilt. This shame and guilt cycle can make it difficult to reach out for help and receive services as you journey through recovery. At Vantage Point, we strive to make therapy a shame-reducing environment. We understand and recognize that porn served a function in your life, and we want to understand what that function is! We are committed to seeing you as a whole person, and you have inherent value as a human being.

If you are concerned about your porn usage, or any other type of drug or alcohol use in your life, please reach out . Addiction isn’t all of who you are, and you have so many incredible qualities that people deserve to see.

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