Dallas Therapy Groups

Through participation in a group therapy with people who are dealing with similar issues, fears, and underlying problems, you can process through situations in your life, recognize that you’re not alone in the situation you’re in, and receive feedback to help you reach your goals. If you’re participating in individual counseling or therapy with another therapist, you may still be able to participate in one of these groups, with the approval of your current therapist.

Contact Us today to see how group therapy can help you rebuild your relationships, self-esteem, and your life.

Men’s Early Sex Addiction Recovery

Early sex addiction recovery comes with its own challenges. This group can help you take steps to increase trust, while walking through difficult times. It can also help you to identify triggers that you might not recognize, as well as learn how to manage ones that you do recognize. This group utilizes The Recovery Start Kit, which was developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes. It is facilitated by Zach Ramsey . Contact us today to get more information about this group.

When: Tuesday Evenings from 6-7:30 pm

Friday Mornings at 9 am-10:30