Natalie Frazier, LMFT

Let’s be honest: Going to counseling is not anyone’s childhood dream.

No one thinks to themselves, “One day, I’ll have a family, a big house… and sit across from a stranger talking about my problems.”

But then Life happens.

Old wounds reappear.

Now, you have found yourself simmering in heartache, unexplained pain, and feeling hopeless with nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.

I know reaching out isn’t easy. But neither is staying stuck. Let’s talk.

“I can’t tell my friends or family. They have no idea what I’m going through.”

Perhaps you have tried to open up to a friend or family member, but your feelings were dismissed and minimized. Or even worse, they broke your trust and shared your story, when you have asked them not to.

Now, you are here.

You realize it is too much and you need professional help.

Hey – I have been there too. I know what it is like to have no one understand what I was going through. I reached out for help, and got it. It worked for me. which is why I am here to help you.

I believe in this process. It is intimidating, scary, and painful… and it is worth it.

My work is primarily focused on Couples and Individual Adults. I am experienced in grief and loss counseling, traumas (sexual and life-threatening), marital relations (including communication skills and infidelity), and emotion regulation (such as anger management and depression). I seek to be an ally to all communities.

My approach is tri-fold:

First: We talk about what you are going through.

Second: We talk about how you got here.

Third: We look ahead. Together, we narrow in on how to achieve your goals.

You will learn new ways of expressing yourself, how to be true to yourself, be confident, heal, find hope, find peace. You will learn how to move beyond your pain and live a meaningful life.

It is my belief that our early experiences in life shape us, but do not have to define us. It is my goal to help you learn new coping skills and empower you with the tools that will transcend beyond the therapeutic experience. Think about it as your own set of tools when tackling life’s issues. Then, one day, you will be off on your own again. And guess what? More curveballs will come your way (and more problems with them).

But you will remember our safe, private meetings. You will remember how you got through this, and you will be confident that your new tools will help you get through that next thing too.

You are here because you are ready to heal.
Let’s get started.

Contact Natalie today

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