We know that your needs, wants, and desires are valuable.
We will help you bring forward your needs, wants, and desires to strengthen your self-identity, strengthened purpose, and self-worth. These are nurtured through a strong system of boundaries. Together, we’ll work to identify your limits, expectations, and needs. This is challenging when you have lived within the tumultuous and volatile shadow of active addiction. Many parts of yourself can become lost or forgotten. We help you to rediscover and empower your voice again. We don’t judge, moralize, or minimize your experience. We foster a safe and brave zone that allows you to be authentic.
Many couples who contend with addiction never learn the best way to communicate about the problem.
Although it can be very challenging, by participating in counseling, you help to increase the odds that your relationship can reach a place of trust and commitment, as well as a place of prevention from relapse. Without counseling, you’re at an increased risk of avoiding topics and important discussions. Over time, this can relationship problems that are preventable through participating in therapy.
Counseling for Partners of Addicts is key to the recovery of the relationship.
In counseling, you’ll learn ways to talk about the very painful issue of addiction. Whether it be anger from betrayal, secrecy and lies, or curiosity about the best way to handle these circumstances, we can help. We’ll help you find confidence in your place in the relationship, cope with feelings of anger and resentment, and move through grief.
You can recover and recapture your life.
Although it can be very challenging, you can learn to regain your ability to trust your partner, believe in yourself, and have hope for your future. In our experience, there is a journey to recovery for the individual AND there is a journey to recovery for the couple. We have a holistic approach. Communication, honesty, loving bonds, working through conflicts, and learning how to be in a healthy relationship are the skills that we want to offer you and your partner.