Sexual Healing: What Are the Secrets to Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be an embarrassing condition that proves detrimental to a man’s self-confidence.
Even though you may feel alienated by experiencing ED, it is not an uncommon condition. In fact, 52 percent of men experience erectile dysfunction, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
There are two distinct forms of erectile dysfunction—psychological and physical.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
At some point in their lifetime, as many as 2 percent of men are affected by psychological forms of erectile dysfunction.
Psychological causes can be:
- Pornography dependence
- Fear of failure
- Relationship issues
- Depression/anxiety
- Stress
You can determine if your ED is psychological if you are experiencing a dysfunction despite being in good health and able to get an erection when alone, such as while masturbating. Erectile dysfunction that is not the result of psychological causes is, most likely, a condition that is related to the physical health of the sufferer.
There are several medical treatments available for erectile dysfunction, including:
- Medications
- Pumps or implants
- Surgery
However, if you choose to try a more holistic approach to treating your ED, there are several daily practices that can significantly improve your experiences in the bedroom. You can apply them whether you experience psychologically or physically driven ED.
Psychological Root Causes
Although advertisements on TV show the medications that can be used for ED. Most problems with ED aren’t related to a medical problem at all. In these situations, it’s important to identify your psychological root cause. This can help you deal with any underlying emotional issues that can negatively impact your sex life.
Psychological issues to monitor include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Self-esteem issues
- Trauma
Daily Practices to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction
1. Work out
Fitness plays a major factor for sufferers of ED. The penis is a muscle and works most efficiently when your body is in peak health. Now, we aren’t suggesting you become a bodybuilder, but there are a few easy steps you can take to stay in shape.
Take a walk – Walking can reduce the risk for erectile dysfunction by 41 percent, according to a Harvard study because of the increase of cardiovascular health, aka blood flow.
Do pelvic exercises – Kegel exercises will promote a strong pelvic floor, resulting in the ability to keep blood from leaving the penis.
Practice mindful masturbation – Masturbation can offer you a way to learn about your body, and identify the different responses that you have. When you better understand your body’s reactions, you can learn about anxiety, activation, and relaxation. You can also learn a lot about your arousal. This information can be useful when you’re with another person.
2. Pay attention to what you put in your body
Obesity and erectile dysfunction often go hand-in-hand. In fact, a man with a 42-inch waist is 50 percent more likely to have ED than one with a 32-inch waist. So, to keep slim, make sure you are paying attention to what you include in your diet.
A diet that can lower the risk of ED will be rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. Stay away from processed meats and refined grains. In addition, you can talk with your doctor about natural supplements that promote erectile function such as Maca and Ginseng.
3. Talk about it
For sufferers of both psychological and physical causes of ED, talking can be the best medicine. Especially for those with psychological cases of ED, medication is not the ideal solution. Rather, most men benefit immensely from simply talking it out with a therapist.
This is because psychological ED springs from personal issues, such as a strain in a relationship, depression, or general stress. A therapist can provide the tools and support for decreasing the personal issues in the sufferer’s life and, subsequentially, reduce the experiences of ED.
No matter whether your erectile dysfunction is caused by physical or psychological health, daily practices that support both mind and body can be the remedy you’ve been looking for. Before jumping to medically invasive procedures or costly medications, try to implement at-home practices that support men’s health.
You can also use these practices alongside medical treatments to improve your recovery process. The most important thing to remember is that your erectile dysfunction does not define your masculinity nor does it have to isolate you from having fulfilling relationships with others.
You should also consider sex therapy. Talking with a sex therapist can help you unpack psychological reasons of your ED problem. The majority of problems with ED are secondary. This means that there are no physical reasons that this is occurring. A sex therapist can help you work through these psychological processes.
If you’re interested in sex therapy, please feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can help. We also offer distance sex therapy to those who aren’t in the Dallas area.