7 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Relationship

It’s usually easy to spot major red flags in a relationship. Either you’ll see them yourself, or someone else might point them out to you.

But what about subtle signs that indicate you’re in a toxic relationship? Sometimes, those “red flags” aren’t as noticeable. But, the relationship (or you) can still be in danger.

Being aware of some of the more common subtle issues can make it easier for you to either try to repair your relationship or recognize when its time to end it.

If you’re not sure where you stand in your relationship, or if you’ve been feeling depressed about it, your partner could be throwing around more subtle signs than you realize. Let’s take a look at some of these subtle warning signs.

1. Anger Over the Past

Does your partner frequently get angry or bring up things that were already resolved? Do they criticize you for something that happened in the past that you thought was over?

This behavior can leave you feeling guilty and confused. Talk with your partner about staying in the present. If they still have an issue with something, talk about it again. But, once it’s over, it’s over.

2. Dependency

It’s okay to want to run things by your partner or value their opinion. But when one person handles all of the pressure in a relationship, that pressure might eventually cause an explosion.

Being overly-dependent on your partner (or vice versa) is dangerous. A relationship requires effort from both people involved. One person can’t make all the decisions while the other hides away.

3. A Negative Outlook

Someone who constantly thinks that what their partner says is negative can create huge communication problems.

Have you ever said something neutral, only for your significant other to take it the wrong way? It happens, sometimes. But, being with someone who does this all the time is toxic behavior.

If this sounds like your relationship, talk with your partner and try to get to the bottom of why they feel that way. They may be feeling insecure about themselves, or the relationship.

4. Jealousy

While a jealous partner might seem like a big warning sign of a toxic relationship, it’s not always easy to spot.

Jealousy can be something as simple as your partner always wanting to know who you’re texting. Or, maybe they ask you who you talked to at work that day. Look for subtle signs of jealousy before it becomes a bigger issue.

5. Blocking You Out

Does your partner often shut you out? Do they tell you that you don’t understand what they’re going through?

This kind of behavior makes it easy to feel confused and even unwanted. There may be something deeper going on when it comes to why your partner won’t let you in. Try talking to them about it, and getting to the root of any underlying issues. If they continue to push you away and refuse to communicate, the relationship can eventually break down completely.

6. The Blame Game

Does your partner blame you for everything? When something goes wrong in their own life, are they quick to turn on you? Or, if you’re having a relationship issue, do they tell you it’s all your fault?

If someone isn’t willing to accept responsibility for their actions, it can put a lot of guilt and anxiety on you. No one is perfect, but you shouldn’t be blamed for the actions of someone else, no matter how close you are in your relationship.

7. Minimizing Who You Are

One of the biggest subtle problems that can occur in relationships is undermining. If your partner undermines your opinions, feelings, profession, etc., you might start to feel like you’re not good enough.

Relationships are about supporting one another and celebrating even the smallest victories. Both people in a relationship matter, and should feel that way. It’s unhealthy to be with someone who doesn’t think who you are is important.

If you’ve experienced any of these subtle signs in your relationship, it’s important to work them out as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you may not be able to “fix” all of them. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to free yourself from a toxic relationship if your partner isn’t willing to change.

For more support dealing with relationship issues or escaping a toxic relationship, please contact us today.

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