Understanding Pornography Addiction

Understanding Pornography Addiction

One of the most common misunderstandings in the field of sex addiction is related to the that of pornography addiction regardless of whether it’s online or in magazines like Playboy and Penthouse. Many people are disbelievers that porn can become an addictive behavior, because there is a defensive misconception that sex addiction therapists will view all pornography viewing as an addictive behavior. However, the field of sex addiction does not view the use of pornography itself as an addictive or even unhealthy behavior. Whether or not the therapist would be accepting of this in his or her personal relationships is irrelevant. Therapists are trained to assess beyond the behavior, to see how much compulsivity is involved, and to get an idea of possible underlying issues that could be leading to compulsive use of pornography.

If you are wondering whether or not you are addicted to pornography, it is important for you to determine how much of a problem you currently think that it is for you. This requires some real vulnerability and acceptance of a potential problem. More often than not, there is some ambivalence about this, which is when you may want to get a professional opinion to help you make a determination.

There are indicators that you can use to determine if porn addiction is a problem for you. The following examples may indicate a problem:

  • A partner who is opposed to your viewing of pornography.
  • You view pornography in high risk situations such as at work.
  • Activities are interrupted or avoided in order to watch pornography.
  • Frequenting adult book stores on a regular basis.
  • Pornography viewing that you keep secret from your partner.

As you read these situations, keep in mind that they alone do not necessarily mean that you are a porn addict. If you find that you are preoccupied with viewing pornography and it holds power over you, then this is a problem worth further assessing. A sex addiction therapist, who has specialized training in sex addiction treatment and assessment, can help you assess whether or not this is a problem for you, and determine what course of treatment, if any, would be most appropriate.

If you are in the Dallas area and you are looking for a Dallas Sex Addiction Therapist , contact me now to see how I can help you deal with problems relating to sex and porn addiction.

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