What Are the Most Common Sex Therapy Issues for Women?

What Are the Most Common Sex Therapy Issues for Women?

Sex therapy is designed to help men and women—sometimes individually, sometimes as a couple.

It’s meant to help men and women establish healthy sex lives and view sex itself as something healthy and positive, instead of having a skewed or misrepresented idea of it.

When many people think about sex therapy, men are often the first ones to come to mind. But, sex t herapy is just as crucial for women who are struggling.

If you are a woman who thinks you might have issues when it comes to your sex life, seeking out the help of a sex therapist can make a big difference.

So, what are the most common sex therapy issues for women?

Different Sexual Desires

One of the most common problem for women is that they have different sexual desires and wants than their partners, which could mean a variety of things. Maybe one partner wants sex more frequently. Or, perhaps, one wants to try something new that the other isn’t ready for.

Mismatched desires can bring a lot of awkward tension to the bedroom.

A sex therapist can help you to explore your desires as well as why you have them. You can take the information back to your partner and have a conversation about it. Merely talking about your wants and why they’re different can help you feel closer to your partner. This approach can lead to more intimacy, as well.

“Before Baby” Sex

Many women complain about wanting their sex lives to feel more like it did before having a baby. Naturally, your body changes after giving birth, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your sex life has to suffer.

If you’re struggling to “feel” your partner or things don’t seem as arousing during sex after having a baby, a therapist can help you to build intimacy. They might also give you different exercises to try, such as Kegel movements that can help you to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

However, some of this can be emotional as well. Having a baby changes several dynamics and it can have an emotional impact. Sex can be impacted by the emotional shift.

A Lack of Emotional Connection

If you don’t have a deep connection with your partner, an active sex life can lose its luster quite quickly. Most couples want to be able to enjoy passionate, meaningful sex. That requires having an emotional connection with your partner.

A sex therapist can help you to develop a stronger connection. Still, you might also benefit from either couples therapy or seeing a sex therapist together so you can work on exercises that build intimacy.

Performance Issues in Partner

Some women seek out the help of a sex therapist because their partner is having performance issues . Although Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is common for many men, it can put a damper on your sex life.

As a woman, it’s sometimes easy to feel like your partner’s issues are your fault. Or, you might want to know if you can do anything to help.

First of all, it’s important to note that ED stems from a lot of various possibilities. It isn’t your fault. Likely, it’s something your partner would want to reassure you about over and over again.

A sex therapist can help you to learn more about ED and what you can do to support your partner in getting the help and treatment they need for it.

Pain with Sex

Another problem that women may deal with is pain during penetrative sex. Sex should NEVER be painful. This is your body telling you to stop, or at least slow down. Vaginismus is one possible reason for vaginal pain during sex. However, there are others as well. If you’re dealing with pain during sex, sex therapy can help.

As you can see, women seek out the advice of sex therapists just as much as men. Sex is a vital and intimate part of any relationship. So, it’s only natural for both people involved to take it seriously and to want the best sex lives possible.

If you’re a woman with any questions or concerns about your own sex life, feel free to contact us for more information.

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